Class 16, Wash Drawing 2

I was curious what Ingre's famous quotation, "drawing is the probity of art" meant.

I drew this at a concert at Lee-Whedon Memorial Library last year.

I still don't know what "drawing is the probity of art" means, but in the course of conversation we discussed Manny Pacquiao the boxer, Beasts of the Southern Wild, John Berger's Pig Earth and the fate of peasant culture, and The Traveler's Gift.
The seven secrets according to Andy Andrews, are, in order:
  1. The Buck stops here.
  2. I will seek Wisdom.
  3. I am a person of Action.
  4. I have a Decided Heart.
  5. Today I will Choose to be Happy.
  6. I will greet this day with a Forgiving Spirit.
  7. I will Persist without Exception.
The end.